Welcome to the Electronic Visa Application Forms Instructions
Page. Forms available on this page can be filled out on-line
and assist in the processing of your application.
What you need:
Your Internet browser must support 128-bit encryption.
You should use either an ink-jet or laser printer to print the
completed application form.
Note: Depending on the speed of your Internet
connection, it may take several minutes to download the initial and
completed copies of the form. Please be
Instructions for completing an electronic visa
application form:
Enter the information requested into the appropriate spaces on the
form. Please answer all questions. Your answers must be in
English and must use English characters. Letters like �, �,
�, � are not recognized by the system. Please enter names like Mu�oz
and S�monin as Munoz and Semonin.
Review the information you entered for accuracy.
Press the Continue button at the end of the form.
Failure to click on the Continue button will result in an
incorrectly formatted application form.
Print the form after it is returned to you and displayed in Adobe
The barcode that prints on the last page contains the information
you entered and will help us process your application more quickly.
Bring all printed pages with you when you come in for your
interview. Please do not fold the printed application